jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

España despierta

El extracto que voy a reproducir a continuación pertenece a Kropotkin y podéis leer el fragmento entero en "Anachist communism: Its basis and principles".
Creo que es una lectura interesante independiente de la ideología política que profeséis. Recordad que fue publicado por primera vez en 1887.

I have already said that anarchism means no-goverment. We know well that the word “anarchy” is also used in current phraseology as synonymous with disorder. But that meaning of “anarchy”, being a derived one, implies at least two suppositions. It implies, first, that wherever there is no government there is disorder; and it implies, moreover, that order, due to a strong government and a strong police, is always beneficial. Both implications, however, are anything but proved. There is plenty of order – we should say, of harmony – in many branches of human activity where the government happily, does not interfere. As to the beneficial effect of order, he kind of order that reigned at Naples under the Bourbons surely was not preferable to some disorder started by Garibaldi; while the Protestants of this country will probably say that the good deal of disorder made by Luther was preferable, at any rate, to the order which reigned under the Pope. While all agree that harmony is always desirable, there is no such unanimity about order, and still less about “the order” which is supposed to reign in our modern societies. So that we have no objection whatever to the use of the word “anarchy” as a negation of what has been often described as order.
By taking for our watchword anarchy in its sense of no-government, we intend to express a pronounced tendency of human society. In history we see that precisely those epochs when small parts of humanity broke down the powe of their rules and reassumed their freedom were epochs of the geatest progress, economic and intellectual.
Humanity is trying now to free itself from the bonds of any government whatever, and to respond to its needs of organization by the free understanding between individuals pursuing the same common aims.

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